Sustainable Business

Working together safely, ethically and supported on a climateneutral future

The sustainability vision

All employees of VINCI Energies, and therefore also of IZEN, endorse the principles for corporate social responsibility of the VINCI Group.

Everything for the climate

Our solar installations and innovations enable IZEN to improve the energy and environmental performance of our and your infrastructure. We strive to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and support our customers in their search for better energy efficiency, and encourage them to follow our environmentally responsible approach. Together we go for 100% smart and therefore renewable energy.

Ethical principles

Ethical action is key to acquiring assignments and our relationship with the customer. Our business units apply our business rules of conduct around the world. We ensure transparency in our own working methods and those of our suppliers.

We are going for 100% accident free

Accidents at the workplace are not an option. IZEN managers feel responsible to guarantee the safety and health of employees in their workplace. Our goal is to be completely accident-free. IZEN promotes a safety culture in which employees and managers have a dialogue about the safe implementation of operational activities. IZEN also encourages clients to follow the correct working methods

Gender equality and diversity

Our culture is based on bringing together people from different backgrounds and experience. Our employees all share the same values and experience them every day. We reject all forms of discrimination in hiring people, in the daily working environment and in the career development of our employees. We encourage our suppliers and subcontractors to follow our example. We promote the diversification of our group of managers by targeting women and people of different origins.

Sustainable career promotion

VINCI – and therefore also IZEN – has a long-term approach in the relationship with the employees. VINCI feels responsible to promote a balanced career and personal development of the employees. Working at VINCI Energies means contributing to the success that makes everyday life easier and at the same time also means working on your own future. VINCI promotes sustainable employability through training and job rotation.

Sharing in the benefits of performance

Employees together are the largest shareholder of VINCI. Vinci shares the benefits of growth with employees around the world through access to employee shareholding and other appropriate profit-sharing arrangements. VINCI ensures that every employee has the opportunity to share in economic success wherever possible.

Social projects / The Agility Effect

All VINCI Energies business units in Belgium support the initiative of the VINCI Fund to make it possible for everyone in our society to have their own place, role and dignity. It goes without saying that our daily operational activities have an eye for the society in which we live and work together. We want to make it accessible to everyone by supporting organizations with personal support and financial resources that pursue a social goal.

Partnering and participation

Our solar parks and projects serve the public and the common interest. That is why we strive to involve all stakeholders in our projects as early as possible, including partners, customers, suppliers, elected officials, local residents and civil society organizations. We promote care and consultation in the implementation of our projects to ensure that our partners are closely involved.

Elektrische auto van IZEN die aan het laden is

Driving on sunshine

Electric fleet

The IZEN fleet switches to solar energy. A no-brainer if you know that the roof surface of the company is full of high-efficiency solar panels. This increases direct consumption and lowers the energy bill. In this way we supply the fleet of our employees and we offer a service to visitors.

Environment award

IZEN is part of VINCI Energies Belgium. This encourages IZEN to be extra innovative and to develop solutions for renewable energy. Not without result, because the realizations of IZEN make the difference. And  so, get awarded.

Acting for a climate neutral future

IZEN believes and strives for a world in which renewable energy is the only way to guarantee the quality of life for many generations to come. Solar energy in combination with wind energy, batteries and hydrogen storage: we are only at the beginning of all possibilities within the transition. IZEN is consciously part of the solution.

Solar energy for social housing in Zottegem

IZEN is building complete solar installations together with Social Housing Company Denderstreek in Zottegem (and soon also at other locations). This means great added value for owner and tenants. The social impact for IZEN falls under The Agility Effect. The link between people – society – environment – economy cannot be made stronger than in projects like this.

A clear overview of your solar yield

We guarantee you a comprehensible overview of the yield of your solar panels in your IZEN app. This is important, because with an energy market that is subject to fluctuations in what is happening in the world, you have one certainty at home or in your company: your personal energy generation. This way you keep a finger on the pulse. You know at all times and everywhere how much energy you generate together with the sun. And what that will yield for you or your company.

Be aware of what you do for the planet

Doing good feels good. Your switch to renewable energy is not only good for your wallet. You make an essential difference by reducing your ecological footprint. You can be proud of that. Tell your colleagues and employees about it, explain why you consciously choose sustainable energy solutions and green energy with your company or family. Feel free to go a step further: also proclaim your justified pride at family parties and at the bar!
It is legitimized.